Image Matters contracted to expand coverage for USFWS with SLAMM-view

Image Matters LLC Contracted to Expand Coverage of Coastal Area Simulations Available for Scientific Study and Public Viewing

Leesburg, Virginia, June 19, 2012 – The US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) has contracted with Image Matters to expand the number of simulations in coastal area refuges covered by SLAMM-View. SLAMM-View is a web browser-based application for resource managers and the public to visualize and quantify the impacts of sea-level rise on coastal resources, as predicted by the Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM).

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), sea level is rising along most of the U.S. coast, and around the world. Rising sea levels inundate wetlands and other low-lying lands, erode beaches, intensify flooding and storm damage, and increase the salinity of rivers, bays, and groundwater tables.

Employed by researchers and refuge managers, SLAMM-View’s intuitive visual approach to displaying coastal changes is also widely used to educate the public on the effects of sea level changes. “Sea level rise is certainly one of the most pressing issues facing many coastal communities, as well as national wildlife refuges,” said SLAMM- View user and USFWS Wildlife Biologist Brian Czech. “SLAMM-View continues to be a key tool used by coastal refuge managers to involve the public in discussions concerning sea level rise as part of the Comprehensive Conservation Planning process (CPP)” Czech added. Because of this tool, the USFWS has realized tremendous benefits in facilitating public outreach about sea-level rise impacts which aids in the design of both longer-term plans and more near-term habitat restoration efforts.

Image Matters LLC, an award winning provider of geospatial IT solutions and professional services, developed SLAMM-View in 2007, and since that time has worked closely with the USFWS, the National Wildlife Federation, and Indiana University to provide a state of the art tool that implements geospatial web technologies in a user- friendly, workflow-based approach.

About Image Matters LLC

Image Matters LLC is a software technology and professional services company that produces software products, develops advanced technology solutions, and provides consulting services to government and commercial clients. We help our clients solve their most challenging IT problems by leveraging best practices, technology expertise, innovation and past successes. For more information about the firm, visit

Note to Editors:  Contact Dr. Jeff Ehman to get more information or if you would like to review SLAMM-View.
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Janine Hussey, Image Matters LLC
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