Innovative Solutions

When location, time, and mission context matter

There is one word that best describes the solutions provided by Image Matters…innovation. We emphasize innovation and technical excellence in all of our approaches and offerings. We are best known for our pioneering R&D and problem-solving skills, with an outstanding staff to thank. Image Matters has assembled an impressive team of experts in Web, geospatial, Semantic-AI, analytics, and Cloud technology and applications. Our analysts, engineers, and scientists are well-qualified to tackle some of the most daunting problems facing users of information technology, such as information overload, fusion, and machine-understanding, in a world of vast volumes of inconsistent, disparate, and non-integrated information resources.

Image Matters is at the forefront of standards and interoperability

Pressed by the need for greater unification and seamless interoperations, interoperability continues to be a major challenge for most enterprises. IT leadership constantly seeks better solutions to tackle the “final interoperability mile”. With the rapid pace of changes in sources and methods, fast-evolving data processing technology, and agile development dominating the landscape, emerging solutions often fall short of meeting enterprise interoperability and e-Governance objectives. Interoperability is both an art and a science. Expert skills, discipline, and extensive experience are required to get it right, and to have it achieved consistently across the enterprise.

Our Solutions

Enterprise Modernization Solutions

The modern enterprise faces daunting challenges with the integration of isolated stovepipe systems and databases; increasing data volumes and variety; tedious, user-intensive data processing tools and procedures; and complex security threats. Enterprises need greater automation and more cost-effective, incremental solution approaches that co-exist with legacy systems, while advancing new shared capabilities that have high returns on investment. Image Matters takes these challenges head-on, specializing in applying and advancing the state of the art in adaptive, interoperable Cloud-based service solutions. Image Matters is particularly strong in building secure linked data solutions for sharing resources, digital asset inventories, unified search, portfolio management, business intelligence, big data fusion and analytics.

Advanced Geospatial Solutions

Location matters to everyone. The modern-day enterprise needs location-on-demand. Better geospatial solutions are needed for complex applications like facility and asset inventory and management; environmental and health-related monitoring and analysis; land and resource development and management; defense and intelligence; and more. These solutions demand modern geospatial service platforms and cutting-edge geospatial data science. Image Matters is an industry-leading developer of advanced geospatial service platforms, supporting defense, intelligence, civil government, and commercial clients. Underlying our substantial experience building geospatial solutions, along with our impressive array of geospatial technology innovations, is our in-depth expertise in systems and software engineering, data modeling, analytics, and visualization.

Collaboration is key to achieving successful standards

Image Matters understands the importance of using well-vetted standards to achieve interoperability. We don’t just use the specifications developed by others…we are specification development experts. Modern specifications must be updated as technology advances. Image Matters plays an active role in the standards community. Our Managing Partner, Kurt Buehler, co-founded a prominent international standards organization in 1994, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Working closely with OGC, Image Matters honed its specification development skills by completing 77 engineering task orders. This extensive expertise is reflected in our standards-based service platforms, which benefit from enhanced openness, adaptability, extensibility, componentization, distributed processing and platform independence. We have further sharpened our specification skills by developing data and service specifications for DoD, DoI, USACE, FGDC, and others. Image Matters has innovated in the development of next-generation “declarative specifications” for model-driven architectures, which are crucial to next-generation machine understanding. Standards must be kept aligned with emerging new technologies and approaches.

Locate. Innovate. Inspire. Lead.​​